I am deeply grateful
Firstly, I purchased from OMI because you have provided equipment which is affordable as a Long Term Health and Healing modality.
Presently in New Zealand there is only one Professional establishment offering PEMF healing. I knew that I would benefit from PEMF for the rest of my life and therefore did not have the desire or finances to be able to place my wellbeing into the hands of a Professional.
Secondly, My personal health issues and the desire to bring my wellbeing up to its best possible level, has ensured that I have learnt that, I must be the instigator of all my own remedies and care, where Professional Health providers cannot assist.
Thirdly, my needs have been the healing of my brain, as much as possible, from a Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (brain bleed) in 2011. My survival is a miracle of Medical Science and the dedication of New Zealand's Neurological experts. However, the long term consequences are catastrophic and once out of Hospital, you are on our own. I use the Pulsepad, under my head, every morning for half and hour, to heal and regenerate at a cellular level.
Also, I use the Pulsepad under my calves, every morning, again for half an hour, to repair Varicose veins. Again, there is no assistance for this Medically publicly, until the Varicose veins become ulcerous. A concept which naturally is abhorrent and coupled with pain for an unknown period of time. Privately I would need NZ$7,000, for one leg only. I have had the PEMF equipment for just over 3 months. I cannot tell whether my brain is feeling the benefit, except that I know psychologically, I have taken charge, where possible, to Heal. However, the improvement to my Varicose veins is very tangible and exceptionally gratifying. From bruised, aching, corrugated and unsightly - to hardly noticeable and no discomfort.
We have done that together. You have Believed in your Science and created the products that have enabled me to Take Charge of My Health. I am deeply grateful. Truly, words cannot express my heartfelt thanks.
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Reviewed by: Suzanne from Auckland, New Zealand on 11/28/2017
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